The Enneagram: Personality Style Strengths & Weaknesses
The Enneagram system offers clients a map to explore how one's strengths relate to the creation of one's weaknesses. Specifically, the framework demonstrates how overusing the "strength set" of the personality style is the action that creates the main obstacles to achieving what we desire.
Although we can display aspects of many personality styles, we all have one main personality style that is at the root of the main obstacles in our life. This is the focal point of self-development work.
As clients explore their strength and weaknesses, as seen below, a new capacity for making better choices is built, especially when uncertainty arises, differences surface, and under stress. Through working with a skilled guide, clients learn to :
â–ª Identify one's strengths realistically, and fully. This leads to leveraging one's strengths and tapping into one's deeper inspiration about life and work.
â–ª Develop and access specific skill sets. This includes making sure that each skill set is adequately represented in each team or organization.
â–ª Identify the values and strengths of the people in our lives (versus concentrate on negative qualities). This leads us having to a fuller perspective and stronger working relationships.
*Note numbers are arbitrary and in no particular order.
Enneagram Strengths*
â–ª Explore how overusing one's main strength set creates a pattern, which becomes the primary obstacle to our wellbeing and success.
â–ª Work with one's patterns of thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behavior, in order to rewire the brain and nervous system. This builds a capacity to "pause" under stress, which permits better choices and better results.
â–ª Create a culture of growth, a commitment to "non-judgmental self-development" (for ourselves and others), and an accountability to do our best.